• info@yadavahostel.in
  • +91 984 5223 254

Our Services

Inspired and motivated by M.M. & Sons, Yadava Hostel provides an affection and caring shelter and support to the needy students from villagers. We ensure our students to the dynamic, responsible, self confident with a moto of service to our society and Nation. It has facilities such as a well-equipped kitchen, spacious dining halls, a prayer hall, well-ventialated dormitories. It provides clean, hygienic and nutritious food to the inmates. A qualified warden, aided by well trained caretakers, ensures the well-being of the children. The hostel accomadates around 3000 and above Students

Our Mission

    A sincere attempt to make Yadava Hostel, to offer to our younger generation ‘Man- making and Character-building education’ as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda.

    Our pranamas and prayers to the Divine Trio to make our attempt a success.

Our Vission

    To Support & Provide a dynamic platform to brilliant, capable, talented youth from our villages

    Yadava Hostel where dreams come true.

    Yadava Hostel to lead and light path of Students.

Our Services

The office-bearers of the Yadava Hostel and the members of the M. M. & Family celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of the Hostel in 2000 without much fan-fare. A number of projects were undertaken to mark the occasion:

Upgradation of the facilities at Gandhinagar Yadava Hostel.
Providing Solar Heaters in the Hostel.
Modernisation of the four houses at Shiroor Park Sheshadripuram.
Construction of a hostel for 15 students in the large site (340' x 115') gifted by late sri M. Krishnamurthy (Younger brother of Sri M. Rangappa) at Banashankari locality.
A Project to construct a hostel for 100 students in the site at Banashankari locality.

On learning of this bold step, other members of the Yadava community staying close by volunteered to support the cause in kind.
Some offered milk, some others curds and butter...!

The brothers had a vacant residential site 60' x 40' in Gandhinagar. They decided to put up a building with rooms to accommodate out-station students of their community. What began as a simple house now possesses 30 rooms in 3 floors and can accommodate about 75 students. This was named YADAVA HOSTEL.

75 years 3000 students