• info@yadavahostel.in
  • +91 984 5223 254


Pattadi Muniswamappa was a wealthy Zamindar during the early part of the 20th century. He owned large truets of cultivable lands in and around the then Bangalore. In addition, following the family tradition of the Yadava Community (cowherds) he had a good stock of cows and buffaloes and was known for supply of quality milk and milk products. He had a mini-mansion in today's Gandhinagar locality of Bangalore. His sons Munivenkatappa, Munimallappa and Abbayyappa were typically chips of the old block imbibing, though not much educated, essential characteristics of a true citizen like honesty, truthfulness and empathy.

The first two sons Munivenkatappa and Munimallappa desired to expand and diversify the traditional profession of their community and adventured into civil works contracts. They called their firm as M.M. & Sons. Popular buildings of the city such as Attara Kacheri, Legislator's Home, Government Hostel, Cinema theatres, the silk factory at Channapattana and Lawn Tennis Stadium (Cubbon Park) to name a few were all executed by M. M. & Sons, either on partial or full contract basis.

A Glimpse Experiences of Yadava Hostels

Our Philosophy

Inspired and motivated by M.M. & Sons, Yadava Hostel provides an affection and caring shelter and support to the needy students from villagers. We ensure our students to the dynamic, responsible, self confident with a moto of service to our society and Nation.

Our Mission

    A sincere attempt to make Yadava Hostel, to offer to our younger generation ‘Man- making and Character-building education’ as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda.

    Our pranamas and prayers to the Divine Trio to make our attempt a success.

Our Vision

    To Support & Provide a dynamic platform to brilliant, capable, talented youth from our villages

    Yadava Hostel where dreams come true.

    Yadava Hostel to lead and light path of Students.

Our History

In the year 1938, when the brothers Munivenkatappa and Munimallappa were at the peak of their professional career they determined to do something positive to help the community and support the talented poor youth from villagers with a strong desire to study. The brothers and the members of the family, decided to shelter in their Gandhinagar home, the small group of youths who had come for help. In this way the mini-mansion at Gandhinagar became a ‘hostel’ for 7-8 students to start with. They went to nearby schools and colleges. The future Yadava Hostel had its modest beginnings at the Gandhinagar home of M M & Family.

Sri M. MuniVenkatappa

Sri M. Mallappa

On learning of this bold step, other members of the Yadava community staying close by volunteered to support the cause in kind.
Some offered milk, some others curds and butter...!

The brothers had a vacant residential site 60' x 40' in Gandhinagar. They decided to put up a building with rooms to accommodate out-station students of their community. What began as a simple house now possesses 30 rooms in 3 floors and can accommodate about 75 students. This was named YADAVA HOSTEL.

Started with 5 students currently 3000+ students in 75 years

The visionary brother had further loftier ideas. At Shiroor Park in Sheshadripuram they had a plot of 60' x 40' They put up four houses on it. The total rent of these was earmarked to meet the day-to-day needs of the hostel and its inmates!

In order to administer the hostel in a systematic disciplined way to the satisfaction of the principles of the founders a Trust was constituted with nine members. It is a matter of pride to place on record of the hostel that the legendary figure in the field of Cricket in Bangalore Sri M. Chinnaswamy was the Chairman of the Trust from 1940-1990 rendering his glorious services for half-a-century. Along with him, Sri M. Rangappa son of Sri Munivenkatappa served the hostel as its secretary, during the same period. Very and simple in his life and public relations, Sri Rangappa left an indelible impact on the hostelers that many of them recall his pious nature even to this day. He insisted on punctuality and regularity in studies. He built a small prayer hall in the hostel to stress on the spiritual aspect in the life of the youth. He succeeded Sri M. Chinnaswamy as Chairman in 1990 and served the hostel in that capacity for 15 years.

Sri M. Chinnaswamy

Sri Rangappa

Sri B. Sriramappa (Superintendent Engineer, PWD) who was an inmate of the hostel took over as its Chairman in 2005. He served that position for 10 years.

Sri S.R. Ramiah, a member of the first batch of students who stayed at Gandhinagar home, was made the Chairman of the Yadava Hostel in 2015. A senior Gandhian, a former legislator, he even at the ripe age of 97 years is a living force and a legend in the Hostel. Endowed with an affable nature, service mindedness and concern for the welfare of the inmates and workers of the hostel Sri Sooram Ramaiah is an inspiration to all.

Sri B. Sriramappa

Sri Sooram Ramaiah

One common cord that runs through the members of M M & Family is their total reverence and dedication to the two centres of Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, one at Bangalore and the other at Mysore. A number of youngster (boys) of the family have studied in Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala, Mysore and have proved themselves to be the proud product of the disciplined life under the care of the monks there. Sri M. Rama Murthy, the first product of Vidyashala from M. M. & Family succeeded his father Sri M. Rangappa, in 1990, as the Secretary of the Hostel. He served it very efficiently for six years when Destiny snatched him away, prematurely.

On 1st December 1996, Sri M. V. Ashok, (S/o. late sri M. Venkatesh the younger brother of Sri Rangappa), become the Secretary of the Yadava Hostel. He initiated a several infrastructural improvements in the Hostel building. He is a product of Vidyashala and is connected closely with monks and a couple of centres of Ramakrishna Order both in the State and outside. He is working hard to uphold the traditions established earlier by his seniors – the Chairman, the Trustees and Secretaries.

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Respected Yadava Hostels Members